Medical Astrology
“It is more important to know what patient has the disease than to know what disease the patient has.”
Medical astrology is a sub-specialization of astrology, where we concentrate on using the astrological chart to obtain information about the body. The birth chart provides information about our basic make-up and where we have certain planets is where the wounds are. We ALL have them - because we all have challenges. It simply depends on where the planets are located in the heavens and how they communicate with each other before illness is expressed. Or not if you are lucky.
Where we find Saturn is where we have hard work and restrictions. Things get stuck, tighten, constrict. Saturn in Aries for example makes a person prone to headaches and each sign has their own issues with Saturn.
Mars on the other hand, rules inflammation. Mars is where things get red and angry at times. Mars is hot, so cooling the area down where our Mars lives often helps a lot.
As a holistic model of well-being, the planets and their placements all provide information about how we can go about enhancing our inherent dynamics, vulnerabilities and individual psychological patterns. Medical astrology can shed light on when certain health challenges can manifest, how long they will present themselves, whether the condition will improve or worsen and what a person can do to support their bodies while going through a crisis.
When we fall ill, it is usually a signal that the time has come for us to address unconscious patterns - our bodies speak for us and it is up to us to learn and listen to its wisdom and language.
The ideal client/patient for a medical astrology reading is someone who WANTS to examine their vulnerabilities, who WANTS to bring their sore spots to light and understand how unconscious psychological complexes along with our natal patterns contribute to illness.
Being ruthlessly honest with ourselves and seeing our astrological dynamics is incredibly empowering, while it is also imperative to understand that we are not the victim of our charts.
Elke’s focus during a medical astrology reading is not to scare the pants off her clients, but to empower them. Together, we can identify weaknesses and come up with ideas to strengthen the body. We are NEVER helpless and many health issues can be prevented or ameliorated with the right understanding of the chart. A chart reading can also time issues, which is something medicine has not discovered yet.
How useful is it to know that a headache will only last for a couple of days, or a bout of depression will leave in a couple of months? Or to discover with relief a chronic illness has the potential to heal at a certain point?
Timing is a real game changer and incredibly powerful. When we know something is coming up in a transit, we CAN take steps to lessen the impact. OR, when we are in the middle of an ultra-challenging phase, it is helpful to know change is around the corner.
“The patient’s involvement in the healing process is intrinsic to the practice of astrology. Each problem carries within it the seeds of its own resolution. ”
With medical astrology we can truly personalize your chart and give you information about your body. Not to diagnose, but to create awareness of where we can help ourselves. Nobody else has our chart, so nobody else has the combination of planets the way we do. This is why mainstream medicine has issues: they lump people in together into diagnostic categories and tell you your have a disease, when it is impossible for people who have planetary combinations XYZ to have the exact same disease as another patient who has the combo YXZ. Diagnostic accuracy often means looking for a needle in a haystack and only coming relatively close to what is truly going on.
“It’s simply never what you think it is. Never.”
The biggest take-away is that it’s never WHAT you think it is. Medical astrology, when combined with another lens such as our psychological filters (which can also be seen in the birth chart), can give information about what behavioral patterns can lead to illness. This layered approach is also not possible in mainstream medicine.
Mainstream medicine looks at the body as if it is removed from our soul and our spirit. Medicine also does not understand the impeccable interplay of planetary forces with our minds, emotions and our body.
Our bodies respond to outer forces and energetics: the full Moon affects the tides, but it also affects the fluids in our bodies. As the planets move, disease patterns change, pandemics come and go as we react to the outer circumstances with changes in our bodies. Each day, planetary patterns change and with each day we have the potential to work with different parts of ourselves.
Astrological knowledge is powerful: it allows us to plan, prevent, enhance and heal that which we have been given and steer our physical vessel towards a direction of wholeness and well-being.
In a medical astrology assessment we examine your weak spots (your Saturn placement) and your Mars placement - where you have lots or perhaps too much energy that may cause inflammation.
We also look at major chart patterns, especially from outer planets to your Sun and Moon.
In addition, the asteroid Chiron will supply further information about places of wounding, how to cope with these and how this asteroid connects with the rest of the planets in the chart.
Clients will walk away with a solid understanding of how they can support weaknesses and enhance their wellness regimens.
“Astrology’s roots lie in an ancient worldview that perceived the universe as a single living organism, animated by divine order and intelligence. ”