Elke's Bio

Profound and deep healing happens when a soul has the courage to embark on a journey into its deepest recesses to then discover the healing light within. It is only through knowledge and with unconditional love and acceptance for all that is, that we are then able to heal body, mind, soul and spirit completely.
— Elke Hutton
Elke Hutton


Elke’s life has been her teacher and her education.

She grew up in Germany and has made Canada her second home since 1985.

Her healing journey began in 1992 after falling ill, which led her to experience firsthand traditional and holistic medical systems. Never one to accept a diagnosis, Elke relentlessly questioned current accepted paradigms and walked away with a completely different world view on how health, well-being and medicine works.

She bases her work on modalities that are truthful, ethical and who bring results to her clients.

Over time, she has learned to think of illness in a different way: “It’s never what we think it is!”


Elke holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC, Canada and her gifts are an uncanny ability to combine various modalities of healing and to combine them into a truly personalized wellness formula based on her extensive lived-experience as a patient who had to navigate a challenging medical system and her additional 17 years of in-depth astrological study and research, which have led her to adopt a way of looking at health and wellness in a way that is innovative, accurate and highly specific to the client.

PATIENT ADVOCATE for system change

Elke’s path the last five years has been also linked with the Canadian Medical Association as a member of their first inaugural CMA Patient Voice Group. Elke retired from this position in August of 2023, but walks away with great understanding of the role patients must play in shifting the Canadian healthcare system towards innovation and healing itself.

Our healthcare systems are broken from years of neglect and an inability to pivot as needed to ensure patients are cared for in a timely and appropriate manner. As a result of witnessing much inaction and lack of meaningful forward movement, her advocacy and attention now focuses on patient/client empowerment through astrology and in raising awareness of its immense power to bring about a serious shift in how we look at health.

New paradigms are needed in how we approach our care and medical astrology deserves its place in healthcare innovation, by giving patients power and insight over their bodies, minds and spirit.

We are in dire need of new ways of looking at health that are safe for us and our planet. Elke’s first astrology reading informed her that her soul’s path and purpose in this lifetime was to serve as a vehicle bringing back an ancient method back to life and to make it new again, revolutionizing medicine of the future.

Elke’s innovative research has focused on how we can anticipate further disease outbreaks and adverse events by tracking astrological events across the earth . Astrocartography and the asteroid Chiron are powerful forces affecting our health and the health of our medical professionals.

Medical astrology and science need to be linked and important work is taking place. A front-runner, path-breaker and innovator, Elke is looking forward to the day when medical faculties not only embrace medical astrological learning, but also teach it. The best place for medical astrology is in the hands of a physician. Much work will need to be done until this marriage is successful, but Pluto in Aquarius will facilitate this process, because we are ready to take the next step in our evolution as humans and how we understand ourselves, our bodies, our psyches and what healing means to all of us.

Stay tuned for future blog posts on this topic.

A physician without knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician.
— Hippocrates


Elke has been active volunteering her time on many local, provincial and Canadian initiatives. She currently sits on various medical committees as Patient Family Partner and Advisor, which include a local Patient and Family Advisor Steering Committee through the Saskatchewan Health Authority, the SHA Provincial Ethics Committee, the SHA innovation Team and other offshoots and projects. She advises CIHR on research grants and supports researchers in providing a patient-centered lens on projects as well as Health Quality council projects. .

She has been instrumental in the creation of a Trauma-informed resource guide for the Canadian Medical Association, which can be found here https://www.cma.ca/sites/default/files/Trauma%20Informed%20Engagement_EN.pdf along with other resources on the CMA Patient Voice page at https://www.cma.ca/get-involved/patient-voice

In addition to her many experiences in healthcare, Elke also speaks passionately about her healthcare experiences as an Advocate and Patient Advisor for positive change through compassion and empathy, changing the culture of medicine on https://cami-icmu.ca/stories/

Elke is also an Empath, a highly sensitive and kind person. The gifts of Empaths are facilitation of societal change as their higher purpose. Her work benefits her clients and humanity alike. A medical clairsentient and medical intuitive, she often senses where a client’s work is and fosters healing intent through loving and mindful acceptance of each and every client.

Her ultimate purpose is to move healthcare and patients into the next quantum dimension for true integration and well-being.


Meditation on the beach

Elke wishes to help and support every patient on a journey back to themselves, who wishes to become a fully integrated human being.

Her skills and expertise lay in supporting anyone who is struggling to find their way and purpose in life.

Born from deep awareness of what it is like to live with complex, chronic diseases and pain conditions, PTSD, adverse childhood events and multiple traumas and grief, Elke can provide gentle guidance towards unification of all the parts that make us who we are. Childhood abuse leaves lasting scars that can only be soothed with compassionate understanding and loving guidance.

She is also able to work with clients who have complex chronic health issues due to trauma such as autoimmune disease, PTSD, Allergies, chronic pain conditions such as Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome as well as clients challenged with detoxification challenges and those who cannot tolerate drugs. All of these illnesses always have an overlying pattern of emotional and psychological tension and trauma attached, which must be addressed before healing can take place. Astrology is immensely helpful in uncovering what is really going on.

Pink Heart


It is her deepest wish to bring ancient healing methods back into mainstream medicine. She aims to marry body, soul and spirit into a new discipline Astrobiomedicine. As the fields of medicine and medical astrology further evolve, Elke strives to be a connecting force between physicians, patients, metaphysicians, and other healers on the same path. Indigenous persons had it right to begin with and astrology is just another offshoot of ancient methods that must find their way back into current reality.

Trainings, seminars and special workshops are in the pipe-line, which will teach physicians, alternative healers such as naturopaths and medical learners how to incorporate causation and timing factors into their mainstream medical practice


Elke feels deep in her heart that her mission is to provide humble, ethical and deeply healing personal service to the world and knows of the healing power positive and uplifting words can have upon a person and the entire world.

Our world deserves kinder, holistic and compassionate ways of looking at how all of us approach health, healing and medicine.

Speaking about lived experiences as a patient with complex issues is imperative to create change. If all of us can advocate, teach and speak about cutting edge, innovative healing methods and paradigms, we have the potential to usher the world into a new era. P

Elke is also a passionate writer and artist, who illustrates her own art for her blogs AND who does not take herself overly serious.

A book Patient Empowerment and how stellar medicine can and will provide the missing link is in the works.

Elke is hopeful that her writing and stories will make the way we care for ourselves and each more complete.

Please watch out for future blog posts on these topics.

Heal yourself and you heal the world.